There are numerous triggers linked to feelings of depersonalization and derealization but lately a high rate of reactivity to Vaping is reaching noticeable levels.
Signs of Vaping Use include:
- Feelings of Unreality and Detachment
- Severe Anxiety bringing about Panic Attacks
- Severe Chest Pains when Breathing (which stop when me is discontinued)
- Lightheadedness, often extreme
- Racing Heart, Palpitations
- Insomnia
- Sweating and Irritability
- Excitability
- Lack of ability to Concentrate
Recovery from Symptoms
1 - Discontinue Vaping
The symptoms often abate when usage is discontinued except for those who become sensitized to the telltale reactions, creating further symptoms until they learn how to interrupt the process of fearful worry.
It is necessary that the individual recognizes the trigger and produces a choice concerning their health. Through proper approach an example may be able to interrupt the habit of smoking of fearful worry and invite a sensitized body to...